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Aged Care Calculator - 2023/24 FY

Aged Care Calculator - 2023/24 FY

Regular price $99.95
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Tax included.

 Our Aged Care calculator provides a clear and accurate estimation of the individuals aged care costs. 

It takes into consideration government subsidies, Centrelink Age Pension entitlements and the impact of clients being classified as either Low Means Residents or Fully Supported Residents

This takes the guess work out of determinig the benefits of strategies and the impacts of remaining a RAD paying resident versus being a low means resident.  Utilising our aged care calculator will have to navigate the complexity of aged care advice with ease and allow for advisers and clients to make well informed choices.  

NOTE: This calculator considers the Australian Tax & Social Security Rules and may not be an appropriate tool for use outside of Australia.

The calculator includes:

  • Calculation of Refundable Accommodation Deposit vs Daily Accommodation Payment
  • Identifying Low Means and Fully Supported Residents and any associated RACs or DACs.  
  • Centrelink Age Pension Calculator and rent assistance estimator
  • Graphical representation of the impact of drawing the DAP from the RAD
  • Impacts of changes to teh Care Providers Accommodation Supplement for low means residents
  • Impacts of having a protected person in the home
  • Assessable income for income test including CSS pension, annuities and deemed income

It includes 2 detailed charts:
1. Total Aged Care Fees
2. DAP from RAD

You will receive updated Aged Care calculators for remainder of the financial year with Service Australia updates.  

Purchase will generate an instant file to download and contains a link to our instructional video.

The outputs are easy to read, professionally designed and quick to use.

Note changes to aged care fees and caps can occur on 19th March, 1 July and 19th September annually.  Please bare this in mind when purchasing our calculators.  

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